These notes are not intended as Minutes and do not report on each Meeting held. The aim is to give an observer's view of significant points as progress is made.
14 July 2014
The Chairman reported that, at an extraordinary meeting, the Trustees had decided to invite Hazel Hayden to be an additional Trustee. She accepted and was welcomed. Also GLCPC had delegated Councillor Simon Dring to liaise between the Trust and the Parish Council. He was also welcomed.
A review of the work urgently required was given and it was noted that a local blacksmith had been asked to quote for the preparation of metal straps for the trestle. A tarpaulin was to be sourced and used to cover the roof of the mill with the aim of preventing further water ingress. Discussion on the cost of scaffolding resulted in a decision not to erect any until the essential work could take place and then to erect only to the height of the side girts.
The risk assessment had been reviewed on site and a number of changes suggested. Most urgent was to avoid public using the steps and handrails at the windmill entrance until these could be improved.
The Chairman reported that, at an extraordinary meeting, the Trustees had decided to invite Hazel Hayden to be an additional Trustee. She accepted and was welcomed. Also GLCPC had delegated Councillor Simon Dring to liaise between the Trust and the Parish Council. He was also welcomed.
A review of the work urgently required was given and it was noted that a local blacksmith had been asked to quote for the preparation of metal straps for the trestle. A tarpaulin was to be sourced and used to cover the roof of the mill with the aim of preventing further water ingress. Discussion on the cost of scaffolding resulted in a decision not to erect any until the essential work could take place and then to erect only to the height of the side girts.
The risk assessment had been reviewed on site and a number of changes suggested. Most urgent was to avoid public using the steps and handrails at the windmill entrance until these could be improved.
AGM 9 June 2014
The first AGM of the Trust was held.
The Chairman reported that completion of the lease of the mill from Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) was complete and that CCC would continue to insure the building. The lease runs until 9 June 2139. He also commented that a bequeathal of £29,000 had been donated by a local family and was being help in trust by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). A grant of £2,000 had also been promised by Great and Little Chishill Parish Council (GLCPC). He noted with gratification the interest shown by the public and various clubs and associations stating that 158 people had signed to be Friends of the Windmill. A review of the work to be done had been carried out on site and a local blacksmith had undertaken to make straps to reinforce the trestle that underpins the whole structure. The Chairman suggested that an information day should be arranged to communicate the plans and their status to the villagers.
The Treasurer reported that Accounts had been prepared and submitted to Companies House for the year 2012-13. He also stated that £4,000 had been received during the period with further donations anticipated, including the £2,000 grant from GLCPC noted by the Chairman.
As required by the Articles of Association, the Trustees resigned and stood for re-election. All were returned unopposed.
Arrangements for holding of the legal documentation of the lease and insurance were agreed and thanks were expressed to the advisor and solicitor involved.
Volunteers to update the risk assessment concerning the renovation project were identified and the Secretary agreed to speak with an advisor on ways to seek further grants.
The first AGM of the Trust was held.
The Chairman reported that completion of the lease of the mill from Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) was complete and that CCC would continue to insure the building. The lease runs until 9 June 2139. He also commented that a bequeathal of £29,000 had been donated by a local family and was being help in trust by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). A grant of £2,000 had also been promised by Great and Little Chishill Parish Council (GLCPC). He noted with gratification the interest shown by the public and various clubs and associations stating that 158 people had signed to be Friends of the Windmill. A review of the work to be done had been carried out on site and a local blacksmith had undertaken to make straps to reinforce the trestle that underpins the whole structure. The Chairman suggested that an information day should be arranged to communicate the plans and their status to the villagers.
The Treasurer reported that Accounts had been prepared and submitted to Companies House for the year 2012-13. He also stated that £4,000 had been received during the period with further donations anticipated, including the £2,000 grant from GLCPC noted by the Chairman.
As required by the Articles of Association, the Trustees resigned and stood for re-election. All were returned unopposed.
Arrangements for holding of the legal documentation of the lease and insurance were agreed and thanks were expressed to the advisor and solicitor involved.
Volunteers to update the risk assessment concerning the renovation project were identified and the Secretary agreed to speak with an advisor on ways to seek further grants.